Find out what we have in the museum
We have over thirty thousand items and our collection continues to grow. Every object vibrates with a story, from the Bronze Age to the mid 20th century. We have collections within the collection- from fluttering hand painted fans to flachter spades and farriers tools; from irons to bibles, bustles to basket hilted swords and bright, white christening gowns. In our rapidly changing world our story is never ending.
Our displays are changed regularly, to show as much as possible of our extensive collection. We have something for everyone. Welcome into the parlour – the minister and his wife have just gone out it seems. Step on through the doorway and here is a wonderful array of domestic items. Through in the kitchen the fire is flickering and someone has just left their spinning. In the bothy there is cosy wooden box bed. And there is so much more to explore. Temporary displays are run upstairs. Out in the car park you will find the old cobbled stables where you can see William Fraser’s smiddy and a wide variety of agricultural tools.